Types of Ulcerative Colitis

Types of Ulcerative Colitis and their Associated Symptoms

Types of Ulcerative Colitis and their Associated Symptoms The symptoms of ulcerative colitis will vary depending on the extent of inflammation and the location of the disease within the large intestine. Click on…

Typical Treatment Paths for Crohn's

Typical Treatment Paths for Crohn’s

What are the Typical Treatment Paths for Crohn’s? Aminosalicylates: These include medications that contain 5-aminosalicylic acid (5-ASA), and work by inhibiting certain pathways that produce substances that cause inflammation. They can work in…

Difference between crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis

Difference Between Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis

Crohn’s Disease vs. Ulcerative Colitis Crohn’s Disease Ulcerative Colitis Source: Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation Here’s a link to more information about the two conditions (Crohn’s Disease) (Ulcerative Colitis)  Signs and symptoms: Here are…

Typical uses of Hydrogen Breath Test

What are the Typical Uses of Hydrogen Breath Test?

Typical uses of the Hydrogen Breath Test Fructose or Lactose Malabsorption The patient takes a base reading of hydrogen levels in the breath. The patient is then given 25-35g of fructose (or lactose…

What is Hydrogen Breath Test?

 Hydrogen Breath Test A hydrogen breath test (or HBT) is used as a diagnostic tool for small intestine bacterial overgrowth and carbohydrate malabsorption, such as lactose, fructose, and sorbitol malabsorption. The test is…

impact of diet on gut microbiota

Common diets and gut microbiota

Complex carbohydrates have a big influence on the human gut microbiota. MAC or microbiota-accessible carbohydrates are carbohydrates that are resistant to digestion by the human body, and are made available for gut microbes,…

intermittent fasting

Why is Intermittent Fasting being considered to address IBS?

Intermittent fasting (or IF) is an eating pattern with periods or cycles of eating and fasting. Unlike regular meal times, people on an IF schedule fast for a specific number of hours and…

specific carbohydrate diet

What is the Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD)?

The specific carbohydrate diet (SCD) is a nutritionally complete grain-free diet, low in sugar and lactose. It was developed by Dr. Sidney Haas, a pediatrician, in the 1920s as treatment for celiac disease….

What are 2 common kinds of thoughts that IBS can induce through symptoms?

Experiencing chronic symptoms, especially GI symptoms for months or years can negatively impact our thinking and attitude. Over time, even the most optimistic person may develop behaviors related to their symptoms that actually…

cognitive behavioral therapy

What is cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)?

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a type of psychotherapy originally developed and used to treat mental health issues such as depression and anxiety. CBT as a treatment tends to be short-term and collaborative….

What are the usual recommendations for management of IBS?

The recommendations for management of IBS should include information that explains the importance of self‑help in effectively managing IBS symptoms. This should include information on general lifestyle, physical activity, diet and symptom‑targeted medication….

What are the benefits of fermented foods on GI health and gut microbiota?

Fermented foods are defined as foods or beverages produced through controlled microbial growth, and the conversion of food components through enzymatic action. In recent years, the benefits of fermented foods have created a…

short-chain fatty acids

Why are short-chain fatty acids important for digestive health?

Short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) are fatty acids with fewer than six carbon atoms. SCFAs are produced when dietary fiber is fermented in the colon. Macronutrient composition (carbohydrate, protein, or fat) of diets affects…

complications of crohn's disease

What are the complications of Crohn’s disease?

Complications of Crohn’s disease can include the following: Intestinal obstruction: Crohn’s disease can thicken the wall of the intestines. Over time, the thickened areas of the intestines can narrow, which can block the…

what is ulcerative colitis

What is ulcerative colitis and what causes it?

Ulcerative colitis is a chronic inflammatory disease of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, called inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Crohn’s disease and microscopic colitis are the other common IBDs. Ulcerative colitis is a chronic disease…

diet for celiac disease

What are considerations for diet for celiac disease?

A recommended diet for celiac disease is free of gluten (found in most cereal, grains, pasta, many processed foods), rye, and barley. Removing gluten from the diet will improve symptoms, help heal damage…